Must-Have Products You Need For A Better Night’s Sleep

It’s normal to have an occasional night of sleeplessness. But the past few years have been a little (okay, maybe a lot) of overstimulation. If it’s not a Twitter feed or a news broadcast, it’s the typical background noise of a busy family household.

And if you work from home, as I do, you might have trouble separating your work life from your home life. It’s hard to switch gears and tune out at the end of the day.

These products have shown me there’s hope! Get ready for some magical ZZZs.

Editorial Note: We review everything independently. If you make a purchase through our links, we may earn a commission.

Teach Yourself How To Fall Asleep Naturally With This Sleep Aid Device

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Then again, if you’re like me, taking medication might not be the first solution turn to. If there’s a natural way to fall asleep, that’s always my first choice. This sleep aid device teaches you how to fall asleep naturally — and sleep better — using sound and light therapy. The metronome and calming light lull you into a slumber using your body’s own natural rhythms.


A Luxury Satin Pillowcase For The Best Night’s Sleep Really Does Exist

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I’ve read about the benefits of satin pillowcases for our hair. But when I read that cotton pillowcases make us age faster, I said, “What? No way.” If you’re like me and strive to keep your youthful glow, switching pillowcases to test a theory is easy. So, I bought this luxury satin pillowcase and found out — it’s true! On a microscopic level, cotton pulls at our delicate facial skin cells like it does to the cuticles of our hair. Less stress on your face, less damage to your hair, and an incredible night’s sleep — all in a pillowcase!


Cozy Up Your Room With This Aromatherapy & Light Sleep Sound Machine

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Ambient lighting, calming scents, and soothing white noise makes for a sound night’s sleep with this aromatherapy and light sleep sound machine. My kiddos especially love the subtle light show and the white noise settings help muffle the sounds of poker night so they can fall asleep peacefully. And the aromatherapy diffuser fills the room with gentle scents. We love lavender and vanilla scents at our house!

Calm Yourself With The Scents of Lavender And Chamomile In A Sleep Essential Oil Roll On

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Pillow sprays for sleep are wonderful, but they’re not always as long-lasting as I’d like. The calming blend of lavender and chamomile in this roll-on essential sleep oil is a dream come true. It works with my body’s own chemistry and, when rolled on my pulse points, produces a long-lasting scent that even my partner says enhances the quality of sleep, too.

Have a Soothing Sleep With This Night Light And White Noise Machine

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I couldn’t sleep one night, so I got out of bed. Fumbling my way to find the light switch, I marched toe-first into the corner of my dresser. Fun times! My friend told me about this night light with white noise. With various light, sound, and light-sound combinations, it’s perfect for every room in the house. We bought enough for the kids’ rooms, the hallway, and the bathroom!

Block Out Unwanted Noise With This Set Of 3 Pairs Of Silicone Earplugs

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These aren’t your parents’ earplugs. Remember those? Ugly, squishy things that expanded to fit your ear These silicone earplugs look like earbuds and come in three different colors per set. I love coordinating them with my outfit, pretending they are earbuds when I’m on the train, or just getting better sleep.

Tuck Yourself In And Fall Asleep Faster With This Microfiber Weighted Blanket

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I never understood the buzz about weighted blankets — until I tried one. This might be the best of the best when it comes to sleeping aids. It keeps you cool in summer and warm in winter. The weights inside are perfectly dispersed and don’t move around. But best of all, this microfiber weighted blanket helps you fall asleep and stay asleep.

Falling Asleep Naturally Is Easy With These Sleep Supplement Capsules

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You can find a supplement for nearly every ailment these days. But when it comes to sleep aids, a lot of products have unnatural ingredients or otherwise don’t meet my high expectations. So, when I found these all-natural vegan-friendly sleep supplement capsules, I was skeptical but gave them a shot. Sleeping better is important to me, and these capsules helped me get a solid night of slumber, gently and effectively.

Relieve Anxiety And Sleep Better With This Sleep Aid Machine

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I love reading about advancements in the medical field, too, especially when they incorporate my other favorite subject — physics. I’m a nerd, sure. But this sleep aid machine is unlike anything I’ve ever found in my quest to sleep better. It’s based on research into microcurrents and effects on our brain. Medical terminology aside, it works to relax your mind and body, reduce stress, and ease anxiety. That’s my kind of siesta.

Moisturize Your Skin And Sleep Better With This Body Lotion Plus Melatonin

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It’s unfortunate, but we lose our youthful appearance and even the ability to fall asleep and stay asleep as we age. Melatonin is a hormone our bodies produce that regulates our sleep cycles. As we get older, our bodies produce less and less, leading to sleepless nights. After using this body lotion with melatonin, I wake up ready to tackle my day and my skin is refreshed and moisturized. Two birds, one stone, I say!

Block Disruptive Sounds And Lights With Eye Mask Sleeping Headphones

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As a rather light sleeper, I’ve always had to sleep with a fan on. But even the most subtle change in lighting can wake me, too. This eye mask with built-in headphones solves both. My fan doesn’t bother my partner anymore, they can read while I sleep, and the only thing that wakes me from slumber now is the aroma of coffee brewing in the morning!

Spray Away Stress And Sleeplessness With This Deep Sleep Spray

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Structure and routine — they’re nice to have, right? But between work, chores at home, and all the tasks in between, structure can disappear faster than my favorite show on Netflix. That’s why I added this deep sleep spray to my bedtime ritual. It’s so calming — and so easy! Just a spritz on your pillow means those sheep stay where they belong — in the barn!

Keep Your Neck Properly Aligned As You Sleep With This Contoured Support Pillow

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How often do you wake up in the morning having “slept wrong”? It’s painful! This contoured support pillow keeps my head, neck, and spine aligned throughout the night. When I wake in the morning, I’m ready to greet the day — and meet my first cup of java, of course! (There’s no sleep aid in the world that’ll “cure” my love of coffee!)

Stop Interrupting Your Sleep With This Anti-Snoring Nose Clip

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I never believed I snored until my kids made me the star of a TikTok video. Snoring is a sign we aren’t breathing as well as we could. This anti-snoring nose clip opens your airways, stops you from snoring, and lets you — and your partner! — get the sleep you need.

A 25-MG Nighttime Sleep Aid For Those Nights You Just Can’t Fall Asleep

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Sleeping is the No. 1 activity you can do to keep your body healthy and your mind sharp. Some days lead to nights that need a little something more than the scent of lavender can offer. On those nights, one dose of this nighttime sleep aid helps me find sleep fast and wake feeling rested. All you need is one tablet — prepare for a peaceful forty winks.

This Memory Foam Pillow Is Like Laying Your Head On A Cloud

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Do you sleep with a pillow so flat you have to fold it half? Or are you like I used to be with six pillows in the name of comfort? When it comes to sleep aids, this memory foam pillow is the only pillow you need.

Don’t Like Melatonin? Try This Sleep Support Spray Instead

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Although our bodies produce melatonin naturally, taking melatonin supplements to sleep better isn’t always recommended. This under-the-tongue sleep support spray is formulated with ingredients shown to improve sleep quality, such as valerian root and magnolia bark — and it’s melatonin-free. Whenever I wake up in the middle of the night, just 3 to 5 sprays under my tongue help me fall back to sleep quickly.

Elevate Your Sleep With A Bed Wedge Pillow

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I’ve always wanted one of those adjustable beds. This wedge pillow is the next best thing. It doesn’t matter what I eat, indigestion keeps me up at night and heartburn isn’t pleasant. Since I started sleeping with this bed wedge pillow, my sleep quality has improved. Plus, since the wedge is easily transported, I can lay on the couch with the wedge under my legs instead to rest my feet after a long day.

Sleep In Comfort And Style In This Satin Eye Mask

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This satin eye mask for sleeping is cool on so many levels. It’s made of 100% mulberry silk, which is super gentle on the delicate skin around my eyes. It comes in a variety of colors to match my mood. And it’s large enough to cover my eyes completely and do what it’s supposed to — block the light!

Experience The Luxury Of A Lavish Hotel With This Microfiber Sheet Set

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There’s just something about a bed with freshly laundered sheets. The scent of clean escapes in bursts. You’re a little more excited for bedtime to arrive. What could be better? When my freshly laundered bedding is this 4-piece luxury microfiber sheet set, I feel — and sleep — like royalty.

Get Sleeping With This Sleep Aid Drink

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I’ve tried so many different sleep aids over the years. Whether I needed sleep after a long study session in college or my toddlers had a rough night and I needed a nap, everything always left me feeling groggy or “out of it” the next day — until I found this all-natural sleep support drink supplement. I drink a can a half-hour before bed and then I fall into a deep, restorative slumber.

Rest Your Eyes During The Day With These Blue Light Blocking Glasses

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Whether you work at your computer all day like me or you’re a hardcore gamer like my son, staring at a screen for hours can make it hard to fall asleep. Find a color or pattern you love and give your eyes the protection — and much-needed break — they need with these blue light blocking glasses.

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